To the Bunuba Thirrili means power and
strength, this is the essence of Thirrili.

Through our ancient and collective knowing we draw from our deep ancestral connection to country; we derive strength and power from her in all ways. We honour this connection that reminds us of our sovereignty, working in ways that respect and rekindle our cultural values of relationship and reciprocity. Through the healing smoke from fire, we find space to remember peace and hope, bringing new days to our old ways.

Thirrili acknowledges country, and all sovereign Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We acknowledge the shared grief and loss that we experience through sorry time. We acknowledge the loss and grief which comes from the impacts of suicide or other traumatic death. We pay our respects to our Ancestors, and our Elders who walk alongside us always, past, present and future.



How can we help you today?

We provide emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.



Inspiring change: our latest news


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Cover for Thirrili - Indigenous Suicide Postvention Service
Thirrili - Indigenous Suicide Postvention Service

Thirrili - Indigenous Suicide Postvention Service

Thirrili is Australia's Indigenous leading suicide postvention service, supporting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals, families & communities impacted by loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.

Call 1800 805 801 - 24/7

Today marks the anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which presented its final report on 15 April 1991.

Initiated in 1987 by the Australian Government, this commission emerged in response to growing concerns regarding the frequent and often unexplained deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals while in state and territory detention. The comprehensive final report, comprising 339 recommendations, emerged as a testament to the resilience and determination of Indigenous communities to address systemic issues. These recommendations centered on fostering self-determination, curbing over-policing in First Nations communities, and diminishing the disproportionate incarceration rates of Indigenous peoples. Acknowledging the overrepresentation of Australia’s First Nations peoples in incarceration is a crucial step, although more actions beyond mere recommendations are needed for true justice to prevail.

As we reflect on this anniversary, let it serve as a beacon of strength and resilience, guiding us to persist in our fight for justice, accountability, and tangible reform. Together, let us continue striving for a future where such tragedies become relics of the past.

#Thirrili #stopblackdeathsincustody
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Today marks the anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which presented its final report on 15 April 1991. 

Initiated in 1987 by the Australian Government, this commission emerged in response to growing concerns regarding the frequent and often unexplained deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals while in state and territory detention. The comprehensive final report, comprising 339 recommendations, emerged as a testament to the resilience and determination of Indigenous communities to address systemic issues. These recommendations centered on fostering self-determination, curbing over-policing in First Nations communities, and diminishing the disproportionate incarceration rates of Indigenous peoples. Acknowledging the overrepresentation of Australia’s First Nations peoples in incarceration is a crucial step, although more actions beyond mere recommendations are needed for true justice to prevail.

As we reflect on this anniversary, let it serve as a beacon of strength and resilience, guiding us to persist in our fight for justice, accountability, and tangible reform. Together, let us continue striving for a future where such tragedies become relics of the past.

#Thirrili #stopblackdeathsincustody

In our most recent newsletter we showcased Red Dust Healing who are hosting a one-day workshop in Queanbeyan & Goulburn in early May. This program, open to both community members and service providers, offers valuable insights for navigating hurt and anger in our lives.

Designed from an Aboriginal perspective, Red Dust Healing provides powerful healing tools for all and is based on a cultural belief that we are one people, one mob, who do not own but belong to this land.

Morning tea and lunch are included! For more details, contact or call 0439 388 828. Visit our website for event information:

#Thirrili #RedDustHealing #Workshop #CommunityEvent
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In our most recent newsletter we showcased Red Dust Healing who are hosting a one-day workshop in Queanbeyan & Goulburn in early May. This program, open to both community members and service providers, offers valuable insights for navigating hurt and anger in our lives. 

Designed from an Aboriginal perspective, Red Dust Healing provides powerful healing tools for all and is based on a cultural belief that we are one people, one mob, who do not own but belong to this land.

Morning tea and lunch are included! For more details, contact or call 0439 388 828. Visit our website for event information: 

#Thirrili #RedDustHealing #Workshop #CommunityEvent

Check out the presentation from Leading Reform 2023, where Marnie Wuele, our Executive Manager of Service Delivery, Chenoa Dowling, Regional Coordinator for Queensland and Northern Territory, and our community partner Lucretia Huen, General Manager of Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation, shared insights. Rewatch the event and view photos now!

#leadingreform2023 #thirrilinews #CommunityLeadership
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