We understand the deep harm caused by the experiences of racism, colonisation, and intergenerational trauma. With respect to this, our approach is neutral, transparent, and committed.

Our goal is to empower communities to design and lead their suicide prevention initiatives. We seek and advocate for opportunities and resources so that communities can facilitate their own prevention solutions, in line with the principles of self-determination. Communities are equipped with tools and knowledge to strengthen capacity and relationships, and cultivate an environment where every person is seen and supported.

We work towards a future where a community is not defined by the trauma of suicide but by the vibrancy and strength of Culture. It's about leaving a legacy of wellness for the coming generations, ensuring they inherit a world where the traumatic impacts of suicide are mitigated by the enduring strength and wisdom of Country and Culture.


Our Community Capacity Building Priorities

Community Capacity Innovation Action Plans

•Empowering communities to design and lead suicide prevention programs.

•Seek and advocate for opportunities and resources to strengthen capacity and relationships.

Self Determination

•Uphold protective boundaries that allow self-determination in ways of bereavement and healing.

•Ensuring that First Nations people have choice, participation, ownership, and control of the matters and decisions that affect their lives.

Power & Strength

•Nurture power and strength through wellness, culture and connection, and community led prevention.

•Acknowledging the collective strengths of cultural identity, collective wisdom, and the healing power of Country.


• Building community awareness about suicide warning signs and risks.

• Public education to reduce the stigma of suicide in the community and appreciate the needs of the bereaved.


•Establish partnerships with organisations that have direct input into development of public policy focused on suicide prevention.

•Manage and maintain partnerships that have aligned and/or complementary goals and values.


•Investing in our people, recognising the value of both formal qualifications, cultural and lived experience.

•Building the capacity of our First Nations workforce to better respond to social and emotional wellbeing problems.
