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Thirrili Welcomes Referrals from Community Members and All Services Across Australia and Torres Strait Islands. Thirrili Referral Process offers guidance and support for individuals, families, and communities impacted by suicide or other traumatic, unexpected death.
The Thirrili Model of Care delineates the key stages in a person's healing journey, working with the client to identify the support(s) they currently require and our case management can extend throughout the healing process. This holistic approach involves input, advice and guidance from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander postvention advocate, as well services and individuals where the client identifies that need. This approach ensures that individuals and families receive our best care. Our approach to case management is relationship based and we work with individuals and families through the lens of postvention, to reduce the traumatic impacts of suicide in our communities.
Our case management model of care is on trauma-informed, evidence-based and supplemented by support through self-management education.
To access our services at any time, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and services providers across Australia can call 1800 805 801.
Thirrili referrals serve to link individuals, families, and communities to a diverse array of services and support, encompassing but not limited to:
- Supporting grief, loss and sorry time
- Case coordination
- Planning for funerals
- Understanding the coronial process
- Support service referrals
- Cultural Connection
Make a Referral
Referral Process
Community members are welcome to self-refer by either calling 1800 805 801 or completing the form provided.
Practitioners and Service Providers, please facilitate referrals by either calling us or completing the form provided.
Thirrili Welcomes Referrals from Community Members and All Services Across Australia and Torres Strait Islands. Please complete this form to refer and incident, or alternately please call 1800 805 801. Client privacy
At Thirrili, we respect the privacy of our clients, ensuring that your personal information is securely stored, never shared with external agencies without your explicit permission, and managed with openness and transparency according to our privacy policy.